SCP-T007 Biggus Dickus
Item #: SCP-T007
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-T007 is to be kept in a room no less than 5 meters on each side. The room has to be furnished with at least a bed, a chair and a wardrove. There should be an adjacent room intended to be used as a bathroom with at least a toilet and a shower.
Access inside SCP-T007 contaiment chamber is only to be allowed to asexual personel. Any non asexual researcher that might be asigned to SCP-T007 will only communicate with it via voice log. No video feed is allowed during those communications.
Contact (this includes beeing in a 3 meters radious or having direct sight line with it) between SCP-T007 and a subject with any kind of sexual orientation is prohibited unless it's an experiment supervised by a level 2 researcher.
SCP-T007 is a male humanoid, no diferent to any other human (at first glance at least).
It's apearance seems to change a little depending on the observer. From fit to muscular, from brown hair to blond and anything in between.
Any non asexual subject that has been in contact with SCP-T007 has felt the irresistible urge to have intercourse with it, even when non atracted to males under normal circunstances. This is not a problem on it's own, but given the huge size of SCP-T007 sexual organs, anyone who tries to satisfy said urge suffers a great deal of pain or even death from the injuries the act itself inflicts upon said subject.
SCP-T007's sexual organs have been measured to be at least [REDACTED] long, usually growing to [REDACTED] long while erect. On at least one ocasion, it has reached [REDACTED] long, hiting his own chin with it.
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