SCP-T005 Holy Grail

Item #: SCP-T005

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: 

SCP-T005 is to be kept in locked container so it is not held by anyone without proper supervision and authorisation.


SCP-T005 is a golden goblet. When held upwards, the goblet just fills itself with a red liquid that seems to be blood but that tastes like wine. The red liquid is refered as SCP-T005-1

On tests with D-Class personel, it has been revealed that SCP-T005-1 smells and tastes like wine, and even makes the subject drunk. Several tests have been made on this regard and the effects seem to happen no matter the body mass, sex or any other consideration of the test subject.
- With one full cup the subject feels really drunk for at least 3 hours.
- With two full cups the subject falls asleep dead drunk for at least 6 hours and spends the next 3 hours hevily .
- With three full cups the subject dies from an ethilic coma. This therd cup has to be drank in the next 3 hours since regaining conciense for it to be lethal.

As discovered by Dr.[REDACTED] in experiment T005-9, SCP-T005 does not fill itself out of thin air. By unknown means, it seems to transfer a fix amount of blood from the person holding it into it's interior, changeing said blood into SCP-T005-1.

Addendum, Experiment 005-9: 

A D-Class personel was instructed to hold SCP-T005, wait for it to fill and then throw the generated SCP-T005-1 away. Then it was instructed to repeat said process again and again.
After some repetitions, the D-Class claimed that it was feeling dizzy and that he wanted to stop the test. Dr.[REDACTED] denaied the petition and prompted it to continue. After a few more repetitions, the D-Class fell to the ground unconcious.
Tests revealed a live threatining low blood preasure equal to having lost almost 2 L of blood, which equated to the quantity of 
SCP-T005-1 generated on experiment T005-9.
