SCP-T004 Mask of Obedience

Item #: SCP-T004 

Object Class: Safe 

Special Containment Procedures: 

SCP-T004 is to be kept in a locked box in a high security facility. It is not to be worn except by test subjects. 

SCP-T004 is only to be removed from storage for testing or for it's intended use.


SCP-T004 is a gas mask, apparently identical to a british S10 CBRN Respirator gas mask.

When a subject wears SCP-T004 it feels the compulsion to obey every command that the owner of the mask gives to it. For all intents and purposes, the owener of SCP-T004 is the person who gives the mask to the test subject.

Therefore SCP-T004 anomalous properties only trigger when the mask is given by someone, and fail to activate if the wearer takes SCP-T004 and puts it on by himself.

Addendum 004-1: 

SCP-T004 intented use is for Class-D Personel that may by reticent on complying with a certain task given by the Foundation's personel. 
This helps the Foundation in the containment of other SCPs, but does not grant it the thaumiel class.
