
SCP-T007 Biggus Dickus

Item #:  SCP-T007 Object Class:  Euclid Special Containment Procedures:  SCP-T007 is to be kept in a room no less than 5 meters on each side. The room has to be furnished with at least a bed, a chair and a wardrove . There should be an adjacent room intended to be used as a bathroom with at least a toilet and a shower. Access inside SCP-T007 contaiment chamber is only to be allowed to asexual personel. Any non asexual researcher that might be asigned to SCP-T007 will only communicate with it via voice log. No video feed is allowed during those communications. Contact (this includes beeing in a 3 meters radious or having direct sight line with it) between SCP-T007 and a subject with any kind of sexual orientation is prohibited unless it's an experiment supervised by a level 2 researcher. Description:   SCP-T007 is a male humanoid, no diferent to any other human (at first glance at least).  It's apearance seems to change a little depending on the observer. From fi...

SCP-T008 Portal Bracelets

Item #:  SCP-T008 Object Class:  Safe Special Containment Procedures:  SCP-T008 is to be kept in locked container so it is not used without proper authorisation .  No special containment procedures aside from standard security are required. Description:   SCP-T008 are a couple of golden bracelets, designated   S CP-T008-1 and  SCP-T008-2. When a subject puts on  SCP-T008-1 on his arm, it will apear from   SCP-T008-2 and viceversa.  Subjects not fully aware of SCP -T008 anomalous properties can experiment extreme paranoia and even self mutilation tendencies. Addendum, Experiment 008-1:  Dr. [REDACTED]: "Please D-22453, stick your arms up." D-22453 proceeds as requested. Dr. [REDACTED] puts   S CP-T008-1 on  D-22453 right arm. D-22453 seems distressed as the arm desapears and starts to apear from   SCP-T008-2.  Dr. [REDACTED] takes  SCP-T008-2 and puts it on  D-22453 left arm.  D-22453's eyes wi...

SCP-T005 Holy Grail

Item #:  SCP-T005 Object Class:  Safe Special Containment Procedures:  SCP-T005 is to be kept in locked container so it is not held by anyone without proper supervision and authorisation . Description:   SCP-T005 is a golden goblet. When held upwards,  the goblet just fills itself with a red liquid that seems to be blood but that tastes like wine. The red liquid is refered as  SCP-T005-1 On tests with D-Class personel, it has been revealed that SCP-T005-1 smells and tastes like wine, and even makes the subject drunk. Several tests have been made on this regard and the effects seem to happen no matter the body mass, sex or any other consideration of the test subject. - With one full cup the subject feels really drunk for at least 3 hours. - With two full cups the subject falls asleep dead drunk for at least 6 hours and spends the next 3 hours hevily . - With three full cups the subject dies from an ethilic coma. This therd cup has to be drank in the next 3 h...

SCP-T006 The Wooden Horse

Item #:  SCP-T006 Object Class:  Euclid Special Containment Procedures:  SCP-T006 is to be kept in a room no less than 10 meters on each side, with at least a  drinking trough and fresh straw . SCP-T006 is only to be rode to comply with the containment procedures requirements due to the dangerous effects on the test subject. O nly Class-D Personel should interact with SCP-T006 under the supervision of at least one (1) Class-C Researcher. At least  twice  a week, fresh water must be placed into the  drinking trough with some fresh straw next to it. At least twice a week a Class-D Personel has to ride the horse so it stays calm.  If more than four days pass without those requirements being met,  SCP-T006 will start to neigh. This sound cannot be recorded by any means. The area where the neigh can be heard grows by [REDACTED] meters per minute, without any known maximum range. Same thing happens if SCP-T006 is locked into a too small containment...

SCP-T004 Mask of Obedience

Item #: SCP-T004  Object Class: Safe  Special Containment Procedures:  SCP-T004 is to be kept in a locked box in a high security facility. It is not to be worn except by test subjects.  SCP-T004 is only to be removed from storage for testing  or for it's intended use. Description:   SCP-T004 is a gas mask, apparently identical to a british S10 CBRN Respirator  gas mask. When a subject wears  SCP-T004  it feels the compulsion to obey every command that the owner of the mask gives to it. For all intents and purposes, the owener of  SCP-T004  is the person who gives the mask to the test subject. Therefore  SCP-T004 anomalous properties only trigger when the mask is given by someone, and fail to activate if the wearer takes  SCP-T004 and puts it on by himself. Addendum 004-1:  SCP-T004 intented use is for Class-D Personel that may by reticent on complying with a certain task given by the Foundation's personel.  ...

Seal Capture Preserve

Seal Capture Preserve List of SCP currently in possession of the foundation. SCP-T001 [RESTRICTED] SCP-T002 [RESTRICTED] SCP-T003 [RESTRICTED] SCP-T004 Mask of Obedience SCP-T005 Holy Grail SCP-T006 The Wooden Horse SCP-T007 Biggus Dickus SCP-T008 Translation Bracelets SCP-T009 Eternal Life