SCP-T008 Portal Bracelets
Item #: SCP-T008 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-T008 is to be kept in locked container so it is not used without proper authorisation . No special containment procedures aside from standard security are required. Description: SCP-T008 are a couple of golden bracelets, designated S CP-T008-1 and SCP-T008-2. When a subject puts on SCP-T008-1 on his arm, it will apear from SCP-T008-2 and viceversa. Subjects not fully aware of SCP -T008 anomalous properties can experiment extreme paranoia and even self mutilation tendencies. Addendum, Experiment 008-1: Dr. [REDACTED]: "Please D-22453, stick your arms up." D-22453 proceeds as requested. Dr. [REDACTED] puts S CP-T008-1 on D-22453 right arm. D-22453 seems distressed as the arm desapears and starts to apear from SCP-T008-2. Dr. [REDACTED] takes SCP-T008-2 and puts it on D-22453 left arm. D-22453's eyes wi...